Monday, April 30, 2012

Management Trainee (?)


Kata Management Trainee mungkin sudah terdengar sangat familiar di telinga Anda, terutama para 'fresh graduatee'. Tapi bisakah Anda mencoba menjelaskannya lagi kepada orang lain? Dan apakah pemahaman Anda memang sudah benar adanya?

Disini saya mencoba meluruskan pemahaman kita mengenai apa itu Management Trainee. Yuk mariii!!:D

MMT Batch 2 GroupM
MMT Batch 2 GroupM -
Management Trainee

Berdasarkan, Management Trainee (MT) didefinisikan secara singkat sebagai 'staff muda yang dilatih (trained) untuk menjadi seorang penyelia (manager)'. Dari kalimat ini dapat diartikan bahwa muda menunjuk pada istilah 'pegawai baru' atau 'pegawai muda yang baru menamatkan jenjang pendidikan akhir'.

Sebuah situs resmi milik pemerintah California ( menerbitkan pedoman khusus mengenai istilah Management Trainee. Pedoman ini menyatakan bahwa MT ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan pegawai di posisi manajerial. Posisi ini seringkali ditemukan untuk mengisi bagian keuangan, perdagangan, manufaktur, dan lembaga pemerintahan. Namun apapun tujuannya, tugas khusus dari seorang MT adalah untuk mempelajari seluk beluk dan sistem di dalam perusahaan atau firma tersebut. Di beberapa perusahaan, seorang MT akan dirotasi di berbagai fungsi di dalam perusahaan untuk membangun rasa keingintahuan dan kekeluargaan, sekaligus menilai bakat dari setiap peserta MT di posisi manakah seharusnya mereka berada.

Seorang MT harus siap bekerja dalam berbagai situasi, baik secara tim maupun individu. MT berada dibawah pengawasan ketat, yang juga akan dinilai secara berkala. Mereka akan terlebih dahulu diperkenalkan terhadap situasi kerja dibawah tekanan, sehingga akan benar-benar siap ketika lulus dari program MT dan ditempatkan secara permanen.

MMT Batch 2 GroupM
MMT Batch 2 GroupM - Management Trainee
Sistem rekrutment ini sudah banyak diterapkan di berbagai perusahaan. Dengan sistem seleksi yang sangat ketat, program MT dikhususkan mencari bibit-bibit unggul yang akan 'digojlok' untuk menghadapi situasi bisnis yang kian menantang. GroupM sebagai salah satu perusahaan multinasional juga menerapkan sistem perekrutan Management Trainee, yang disebut juga Media Masters. Saat ini GroupM sudah menjalankan batch yang ke-2 (MMT Batch 2 GroupM), dimana peserta akan mendapatkan pendidikan (training) yang melibatkan para pakar media dari berbagai bidang selama 3 bulan. Selain training, para peserta juga harus menghadapi berbagai tugas yang telah dipersiapkan, untuk melatih kesigapan dan melihat kedalaman pengetahuan mereka terhadap bisnis dari GroupM.

Jadi, apakah Anda sudah merasa tertantang?

Silahkan tunggu pembukaan Management Trainee GroupM yang ke-3 ya!:D


Agent O
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Friday, April 27, 2012

Good morning from FA

Good morning :)

Now it's time for me, Agent FA to introduce myself as one of the contributor of this journal about the management trainee called MMT batch 2 GroupM.

I studied communication major in university, with special interest (minor) in advertising. I decided to join the MMT in GroupM because I have this big interest to digital media. Why digital media? Because I want to absorb the knowledge and become better and better in optimizing digital media, so in future if I need to promote something independently, I am able to use digital media as one essential platform to help the promotion :p

Well, but of course in this management trainee, we study media for overall :) because this company of GroupM is not just about digital, but also conventional media works, and personally I still think that they're interesting to be learned, too. In the end of this management trainee, we have a chance to pick the work we desire, but the trainers and HR personnel also have their chance to assigned us in work that match with our abilities.

There are still 2 months remaining and many sessions to be awaited, knowledge to be absorbed, and fun times to be experienced with the friends here. Quoting from one of our trainer, that we have to become 'media agnostic' during this management trainee, because it's not an industry about what is right or what is wrong, it is about logic.

Okay all, I hope my introduction and a little insertion about the management trainee or the MMT will be very useful hahaha.

See you in the next posts,


Agent FA,
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reportation from Agent C

A Direct Reporting from Agent C ?!
Hellow again lovely readers! Thank you for dropping by at this blog :D Here comes again, one of the top agent in this world called Agent C, wants to report our daily activity in our mission at MMT Batch 2 GroupM.
This is not a joke, this is real, and ofcourse it is a Management Trainee from GroupM :)
It's 23:04 now, the clock keeps ticking and I will do my secret task in reporting the mission. Today, all of the agents did an awesome job. While we were waiting for the trainer to come to the class, most of us were busy in planning the strategic of the secret mission.
As usual, all of the agents had their lunch at 12 o'clock.
Two of our agents were fasting, and the rest of it were enjoying their lunch.
Agent M brought nuggets and chicken wings! She ate it with a big smile on her face. "My mom brought me too much food today", said Agent M while she was chewing.
I'm also brought my own food. It was hillarious, when I found out that my mom cooked my favorit's meal. Smoked Ham fried rice. I sat next to agent M, and we ate along within 30minutes. Yes, we were so hungry at that time.
Finally, the time has run so fast. The agents had a finance subject as one of our MMT Batch 2 GroupM module. Yeah, it was fun :) Mr.Ruben, the commercial Director of GroupM, teached us a lot of "something I did not know before". Balance sheet, profit, revenue, and so on. There are several thing that still came up on my mind.
By the way, it is almost mid night. Maybe I should get some sleep now, since I will have to get up early and continue the secret mission tomorrow.
Dear readers, please come back here again to catch up for the rest of the story Do not worry, we will give you another information, and also fun! :D
This is Agent C, reporting from central Jakarta.


Agent C
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

O for (not so) Ordinary!

Howdy fellas!

I'm agent O, one of the contributors in this blog. My real name is Oxyana Sara Virgizma. People says that my name is quite unique. I'm very grateful about it, and love it so much. Because I could tell and feel (well, probably hope) that I'm unique in my own way. And somehow the thought of it makes me feel special :D Buuttt...I prefer to be called Ochi, to avoid mispelled.

I'm a graduate student of Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), majoring Food Science and Technology with minor in Communication. Due to campus recruitment, I was luckily selected to join the Management Trainee program in a world's largest media investment company, GroupM (MMT Batch 2 Group M). The program starts from April 3rd, 2012. At first I'm not sure what company GroupM was. But when the CEO of GroupM Indonesia--Mr. Edward Tsigher--explained about GroupM and the Management Trainee program, which is called Media Masters (MMT Batch 2 GroupM). Though it was just a glimpse, I had a feeling that this is the kind of job that I always wanted. A job that sounds fun to me!

And here I am. Joining another 24 people from different university. Trying to learn and understand the business, the office, and the people. It's almost 3 weeks now, and I feel excited. Because I able to learn new things, and these lessons are very interesting for me. And well, the thought of the payment is also interest me actually :p

You guys might have heard about management trainee in another company. Well, Media Masters is basically the same. It provides you 3 months in-class training, before you finally assigned in which agency you will work for. We're the MMT Batch 2 GroupM still have 2 months to go. Will the 25 of us survived till the assignment day? I hope so. So what will happen in another 2 months? This is something you should read by yourself!;)


Agent O
MMT Batch 2 Group M

Pam is here

Aloha Fellas!!
Excuse me, permisi ^0^ . Agent Pam hendak memperkenalkan diri, mohon doa restunya.

Tidak terasa sudah hampir 1 bulan saya berada di sini, bersama teman-teman tergabung dalam MMT Batch 2 GroupM (Media Master Batch 2 GroupM). Pada awalnya saya pikir bahwa teman-teman saya ini berasal dari bidang non-eksak semua, ternyata tidak! Ada yang dari teknik, ekonomi, manajemen, komunikasi, gado-gado lah. They're great! Kalau saya tidak mengerti suatu hal, teman-teman ada yang berusaha menjelaskan (apalagi rumus :D)

Sekarang, here I am. Pamela Manurung, or just call me Pam :)
Perempuan Jawa-Batak yang lulus dari bidang Linguistik. Yah, Bahasa Inggris memang global..but still, my lecturer said "Even a professor can't remember the whole content of a dictionary". Tapi memang saya suka mengamati bahasa, tata cara seseorang berbicara atau bertingkah laku. I'm a random learner. Bisa saja tiba-tiba terlintas di kepala saya untuk belajar bahasa AA, BB, mendadak CC, atau tiba-tiba belajar silat!

I love music. Tapi agak aneh, saya tidak begitu hafal banyak lagu. Saya lebih suka mendengarkan, apalagi lagu klasik.

I love sport. Terutama yang geraknya indoor. Kebiasaan olahraga ini sudah tertanam sejak kecil. Biar sehat, kata orangtua saya. Makanya, I'm so happy when my friends from MMT Batch 2 GroupM is arranging a plan to have futsal exercise!! Bukan karena olahraganya saja, tapi karena akhirnya saya merasa "bergerak" lagi.

I love culinary travelling. Bukan karena saya tahu ini dan itu. Justru karena saya sering penasaran dengan makanan baru, jadi ya selalu ingin coba yang baru.

What's more, I love "some" of "everything". I love some songs of pop music. I love some songs of rock music. I love some dresses in a catwalk. I love some countries in this world. I love some animals in a petshop. I love some brands of shoes products. However, I love all of the blessings in my life; my family, my friends, my sweet and bitter experiences, and I love every single of heartbeat that I feel and breath that I take.

MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Agent Pam

Agent M's speaking!

Hello Everybody!

First, i want to introduce myself so you could know a glance about me. In this blog, i'm the one with Agent M initial name.

My real name is Melissa Dharmawan, you could call me Melissa. I'm graduated from University of Indonesia, Communication Major with advertising as a specialization. Starting from March 2012, i join media master trainee program ( MMT Batch 2 GroupM ) at GroupM Indonesia.

One month has passed by since day one, i feel so relieved and excited about media master program. Meeting with new friends, have lunch together at office's cafetaria, playing games, we really had a lot of fun together. Besides, we also learn about media investment, media planning and digital media in our classroom with our trainers from our office. Surely, it's a new thing for first jobbers like me, but in a way i feel alive and attracted by this training.


Agent M
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The City View

One thing we love from this management trainee of MMT Batch 2 GroupM is the city view from the building of the office!

MMT Batch 2 GroupM - The city view

Every morning, we earn our seats, and most of us eager to sit near the large window where you can see a big part of the city, Jakarta.

Well, maybe it's a little hot if we sit there, but the lighting was good and it makes our sessions better, like, we can pay attention to the trainers and also sometimes glancing at the breathtaking city view outside :)


Agent FA
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Ping Pong Time

You probably already know Ping Pong, or commonly known as table tennis!

Yes, we have a ping pong table in the 22nd floor of our company, GroupM. Soon, some of our friends in MMT Batch 2 GroupM already got into the game. It's very tempting!

MMT Batch 2 GroupM - Ping Pong Time

Sounds fun, right? Yeah... usually these friends of ours play this game after class ended at 5 PM. And sometimes they have match with people from the agencies of GroupM (another advantage that we able to interact with the employees here).

Now there is no reason to get bored, if you feel so hard to go home immediately, looking for something to do before you got off the office, then this Ping Pong is maybe one of the best to answer it!


Agent FA
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

P.s. Some of our relatives were asking about how come our office have a ping pong table, they're asking questions like 'How come?' or 'What kind of office it is?' *LOL* no wonder they're confused, but hey, you know that our company is part of advertising industry, right? And all about the industry we know is FUN :)

Work hard, play hard, everyone! Cheers

Crazy Time

Here we go again,

We present you MMT Batch 2 GroupM Crazy Time Story!

While we're busy learning and studying about media planning, investment, GRP & stuffs, of course we don't forget to have fun with ourselves!
From playing uno stacko, taking a photo to playing ping pong, we play together till our last breath.. hosh hosh hosh..

One month has passed by, but we already get along with each other. When there's no trainer in class, we have lots of sharing sessions. In MMT Batch 2 GroupM sharing sessions, one of our friends have to sit in front of the class and share stories about future, dreams, love stories, and secrets. Accompanied by Mrs. Henny & Mrs. Cici from HR division of GroupM Indonesia, we get to know our friends deeper and closer from those sharing sessions.

These are snapshots of our crazy happy times

MMT Batch 2 GroupM - Crazy Time

As a quote says "time you enjoy wasted is not wasted",we do have a lot of fun here, mostly in our classroom at Tempo Scan Tower 24th floor (not 25th floor...oops,we'll tell you that scary story later!)


Agent M
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Posting from Christin

First posting dari Christin! J

Perkenalkan! Nama saya Christin, salah satu penulis di blog media masters maestro. Kalau boleh dibilang, ini adalah posting perdana saya setelah sekian lama belum menulis lagi. Sebelum beralih ke cerita utama, saya mau cerita dulu nih mengenai situasi dan kondisi saat ini. Sekarang saya sedang duduk di sebuah ruangan yang terdiri dari dua puluh lima peserta. Peserta ??? Memangnya lagi apa sih sekarang ?

Mulai tanggal 3 April lalu, saya resmi tergabung dalam sebuah program management trainee. Pastinya management trainee sedang booming-boomingnya. Yang membedakan dengan program yang saya ikuti, nama management trainee ini disebut sebagai Media Masters. MMT batch 2 GroupM adalah nama dari program ini. Asumsinya bahwa orang-orang yang  mengikuti program MMT batch 2 GroupM nantinya bisa menjadi seorang expert dalam media.

Program ini memang belum lama saya ikuti, mengingat bahwa baru tanggal 25 April ketika saya memposting blog ini. Itu tandanya, saya baru mengikuti program MMT batch 2 GroupM baru terhitung 3 minggu.  Apa saja yang bisa didapatkan dari program MMT batch 2 GroupM ?

Pernah dengar soal GroupM ? GroupM adalah sebuah company world wide yang basisnya berada di New York. Basicly, GroupM ini merupakan media investment agency. Jika para pembaca tertarik untuk mengetahui mengenai GroupM lebih lanjut, silahkan masuk ke

Dalam kesehariannya, memang MMT batch 2 groupM ini tidak semata-mata hanya akan mempelajari mengenai investement, tapi juga ada bidang yang disebut dengan planner. MMT batch 2 GroupM akan lebih mengenai hal yang bersifat informatif, banyak hal menantang, dan juga penuh keceriaan. Mungkin karena baru 3 minggu MMT batch 3 GroupM ini berjalan, jadi segala kerumitan menjadi seorang media masters masih sebatas di permukaan.

Pelajaran paling pertama yang saya ingat ketika mengikuti MMT batch 2 groupM adalah be an agnostic. Sebuah kalimat yang dilontarkan oleh Mr.Gemi dari bagian digital. Segalanya perlu diberikan data, dan perlu dibuktikan kebenarannya.

Karena postingan ini adalah postingan pertama dari saya, maka cukup sekian dulu ya. Saya akan segera kembali dengan postingan lain yang lebih menarik dan juga akan menarik banyak pembaca lain.


MMT batch 2 GroupM

Our Sleepy time

We get sleepy sometimes, yes! We admit it  *lol.

But not in negative way, we feel sleepy especially when there is no session at the day. Wonder how to kill the long day without session, but we finally found way to entertain ourselves (will be explained in the next blog).

Well, sleepy is human, right? Okay, I'm making no sense here, but actually I think this is just somekind of intermezzo about our MMT Batch 2 GroupM activities.

MMT Batch 2 GroupM - Our Sleepy Time

Can't wait for the next and the next and the next sessions, presentations, training, etc etc.


Agent FA
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

Journal of Joy

Good day!
Welcome back to our sharing session about MMT Batch 2 Group M :) I am, Agent FA, one of this blog's contributors will sharing a little introduction about the management trainee we call Media Masters or in short the MMT.

MMT is a training for us who just accepted as trainee in the company of GroupM, Jakarta, Indonesia, a company of media investment in the industry of Advertising, Communication, and so on. The MMT itself will be held for 3 months, started on April 3rd 2012. We ourselves are the 2nd batch of this trainee and we already feel blissful to get in this training.

So, our 2nd batch is about to enter the 2nd month of MMT / Media Masters Training and we think that our experience here is worth to tell (well, that's what we thought ^^). We want share that it's not just another management trainee, it's Media Masters Training, and it's very special and so far, we can say we are very happy to be part of it.

We, as the ladies of MMT Batch 2 GroupM create this 'journal of joy' with hope that you will interested or at least entertained with the stories of us.

Enjoy :)


Agent FA
MMT Batch 2 GroupM

The Maestro has Born!

Hello fellas!
Here we are, right from the headquarters of GroupM Indonesia, congratulate you for joining in our story session :D

In case you don't know about us, GroupM is the world's largest media investment company. And now, we are the 25 lucky youngsters ready to hit the world! In this blog, we're going to share our precious stories and moments in this Management Trainee program called Media Masters (MMT Batch 2 GroupM).


Sincerely yours,

MMT Batch 2 GroupM

PS: Beware, it's highly addictive! ;)